He was good. A flaxen-haired boy with a sharp jaw and a sharper wit, straight teeth and a lopsided grin. He was intelligent, mostly straight A's, he tried his best. He wasn't so athletic but he'd play just to help fill a team. He'd help anyone, anywhere, despite his own talents and commitments. Cody was good.ā£
Since he was eight years old, he'd had a crush on Lacey Ringwald. Back then, she was all rosy cheeks and wild hair, scraped knees and grazed elbows. Now, despite the tumultuous crusade of adolescence, Lacey was much the same. Less mud pies, more pink lip gloss, the fire still blazed behind emerald green eyes. When he'd catch her gaze across the classroom, his stomach would come alive with fluttering, and his cheeks would glow an anxious scarlet. He'd loved her since the day he'd met her.ā£
It's why, when her hand found his at the school dance, Cody's heart just about stopped. Slender fingers wove between his, cherry pink lips found a sweet spot on his right cheek, and her singsong voice requested that he follow her. Out of the hall, down the corridor, dual Chuck Taylor's slapped along checkerboard linoleum and out into the chill evening air.ā£
"š 'š¬šÆš°šø, š'š·š¦ š¢ššøš¢šŗš“ ššŖš¬š¦š„ šŗš°š¶, šš°š„šŗ."ā£
The words hung in the brisk air. He could hardly believe his ears, the words he'd dreamed about, currently spilling from those familiar lips. As Cody's mouth dropped into a stunned grin, the girl who held his heart continued.ā£
"š š°š¶'š³š¦ š«š¶š“šµ š“š°, š“š°... šš°š°š„. š š°š¶'š³š¦ š“š° š¬šŖšÆš„, š¢šÆ' šøš¦šš... š š¬šÆš°šø šŗš°š¶'š·š¦ šÆš¦š·š¦š³ š¦š·š¦šÆ š¬šŖš“š“š¦š„ š¢šÆšŗš°šÆš¦--"ā£
Her pink sneakers stepped closer, closing the space between them. Teeth nibbled at her lower lip, the corners of her mouth peaking in a telling smile.ā£
"š šøš°šÆš„š¦š³š¦š„ šŖš§ šŗš°š¶'š„ ššŖš¬š¦ šµš° š£š¦ š®šŗ š§šŖš³š“šµ, šµš°š°--" Cody's breathy, disbelieving laugh and eager nod was enough of a confirmation. Leaning in, Lacey's lips met Cody's in a sweet embrace and in one, picture-perfect moment, the young succubus consumed her very first, completely pure š¬šØš®š„.ā£
Originally written and shared as part of Verbuary 2020: https://tinyurl.com/4a8bc67z